Americans Rave About Scientifically Tested And Newly Released Weight Loss System Delivering Trackable Results Within Days.

Former Marine and Korean doctor combine ancient wisdom with modern science to produce a safe and effective weight loss method that delivers remarkable results within the first 72 hours.


You’ve tried every diet… you’ve attempted every exercise routine… you’ve ground yourself into the dust with gut wrenching cardio… and yet the pounds don’t seem to come off or come right back the moment you take a breather.  It’s an epidemic in the U.S. and around the world and it effects over 90% of the population.

Using well-established Asian wisdom and the latest medical research into human biology and bio-chemistry, a Korean doctor and former marine Gunnery Sergeant have created, tested and perfected The Fat Decimator, a remarkable new approach to weight loss that works in harmony with your body’s natural processes.  The system dispels the fitness and weight loss myths that have taken root in western culture and continue to drive up the statistics on heart disease, cancer, joint pain, digestive issues, premature aging, low energy and a host of other health problems related to being overweight.

At last, modern science is beginning to test and prove that what most people believe about exercise diet and weight loss is actually counterproductive and even dangerous.  In particular, heavy cardio vascular exercise has now been shown to be ineffective as well as dangerous to your health.

Doctor Sam Pak, a specialist on internal medicine and human bio-chemistry as well as being one of the co-founders of Kyle Cooper’s Fat Decimator system, states that the approach works far better even than he expected.

“The biggest problems facing western nations like the U.S., Canada, the UK, Australia and most of Europe, for example, is that there are long-established fitness and weight loss myths that have become prominent in these cultures.  For instance, eliminating salt, engaging in long-term heavy cardio exercise, starvation diets, limiting carbohydrates and even certain foods thought to be healthy actually go directly against the body’s own natural metabolic processes, biological cycles and ability to eliminate unsightly fat as well as fight off disease.”

“Let’s examine cardio exercise.  Jogging, running, biking and the like done over long periods of time.  Hundreds of independent clinical studies have clearly shown that a human being burns an average of 5 calories per minute.  Consider that if you jog for an hour, you only burn about 300 to 400 calories.  Consider also that a single slice of banana bread contains more than 450 calories.  You can see, then that in order to have any real effect, slow and long cardio must be done for hours each day, which is impractical.”

“Further,” Doctor Pak says, “more intense interval cardio does triple the effect, yet it also requires more recovery time.  It’s therefore no more effective than long low-intensity cardio.  If overdone, in fact, pushing your body too hard with heavy running and other cardio exercises damaging the joints and builds scar tissue on the heart leading to the onset of heart disease.  As if this weren’t’ bad enough, your body begins to go into what’s known as a catabolic state.  This means that all this hard running, for example, puts your body into survival mode and it begins to consume muscle tissue for energy rather fat, as muscle contains more energy.”

Than this is just one example of how weight loss myths negatively effect those searching for weight loss solutions.  In their Fat Decimator program, Doctor Pak and Gunnery Sergeant Cooper expose these myths and use independent scientific study to clearly illustrate why it’s vital that you avoid them.  Further, they explain how your body works and how to work in harmony with it to bring about truly amazing weight loss results.

In his Fat Decimator presentation, Kyle Cooper tells the story of how he met Doctor Pak in Afghanistan and how what they created together has helped tens of thousands of people desperate for a real solution that delivered fast trackable results without robbing their bank accounts.  Even more dramatic is the story Kyle shares about a woman in his home town of St. Louis, Missouri whose weight condition had led to a severe decline in her health.  So much so, in fact, that she was literally facing the frighteningly real prospect of an impending death due to heart disease.

“Sharon is perhaps my most dramatic success story,” Cooper states, “She was literally at the end of her rope when I happened to meet her in church one day.  Her turnaround both physically and mentally is astonishing and a big part of why I’ve made sharing Fat Decimator my life’s mission.”

Every concept in Fat Decimator has been clinically proven.  In fact, when Sharon Monroe lost over 40 pounds in a single month, she couldn’t even believe her own body.  She drove to John’s Hopkins in Baltimore and had a full medical workup done, including physical as well as genetic testing.

The doctors confirmed that her results were real, safe and that she’d even turned back the biological clock.  Additionally, her heart disease improved and she was no longer on the brink of type 2 diabetes.

The Fat Decimator gives you the power to boost your body’s own metabolic processes, improve your digestion, enhance your ability to fight disease all while delivering astonishing weight loss results.  An average of 5 to 7 pounds per week over the course of the 30 day program is not unreasonable – and greater results have been measured.

Enthusiastic users:

Rebecca S. of Wilmington, NC reported that at the end of her first week, she had dropped 9 pounds and went on to lose 18 more by the end of the month.


Angela L. of Cincinnati, Ohio reports that not only did she lose 31 pounds on her first try with Fat Decimator, she also has more energy than she’s had in years and her intimate life with her husband has never been better.

Fat Decimator is a simple step by step process that doesn’t require starving yourself, grueling workouts, crazy pills or supplements or expensive exercise gadgets that don’t work.  It’s an all-natural, scientifically proven program that delivers amazing results to those who follow it.

Try Fat Decimator for yourself with no risk!

To learn more about this remarkable program, click this link and watch Kyle’s free Fat Decimator presentation and learn the true secrets about weight loss and how you can finally achieve the results that have eluded you for so long.


3 Simple Diet and Fitness Tips


Diet and workout tips that work

We all want to be our fittest selves, but with so much advice floating around out there, it can be hard to hone in on what healthcare tips actually work. To make your life a bit easier, we’ve rounded up a number of our go-to healthy strategies, to help you reach your most ambitious fitness goals even quicker.


Say hello to H20

Whether you’re heading off to spin class, boot camp, or any other exercise, it’s always important to hydrate so you can stay energized and have your best workout. Electrolyte-loaded athletic drinks, though, can be a source of unnecessary calories, so “drinking water is usually fine until you’re exercising for more than one hour,” says Newgent. At that point, feel free to go for regular Gatorade-type drinks (and their calories), which can give you a beneficial replenishment boost. But worry not if you like a little flavor during your fitness: There are now lower- cal sports drinks available, adds Newgent, so look out for ’em in your grocery aisles.

Find the best fitness friend

A workout buddy is hugely helpful for keeping motivated, but it’s important to find someone who will inspire—not discourage. So make a list of all your exercise-loving friends, then see who fits this criteria, says Andrew Kastor, an ASICS running coach: Can your pal meet to exercise on a regular basis? Is she supportive (not disparaging) of your goals? And last, will your bud be able to keep up with you or even push your limits in key workouts? If you’ve got someone that fits all three, make that phone call.

Stock up on these

While there are heaps of good-for-you foods out there, some key ingredients make it a lot easier to meet your weight-loss goals. Next grocery store run, be sure to place Newgent’s top three diet-friendly items in your cart: balsamic vinegar (it adds a pop of low-cal flavor to veggies and salads), in-shell nuts (their protein and fiber keep you satiated), and fat-free plain yogurt (a creamy, comforting source of protein). “Plus, Greek yogurt also works wonders as a natural low-calorie base for dressings and dips—or as a tangier alternative to sour cream,” says Newgent. Talk about a multitasker!

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10 Ways to get in touch with your Primal Side

primal side

Your connection to your primal side as a man has very profound benefits to your physical and mental well being.

Someone once said, “The worst thing to happen to a man is to become civilized.”

No, that doesn’t mean that it’s terrible to be a productive member of society. Instead, it’s talking about losing touch with your primal side.

Once, men roamed far and wide to hunt food and fight to protect their families. Our modern life no longer has need of many of the things men once needed to do, but that doesn’t mean those aspects of our primal side or human nature should ever be totally left behind.

So many men these days are experts with the latest modern technology, but they have no idea how to build, forage, hunt, or take care of themselves outside of civilized society. If it doesn’t come at the press of a button or you can’t pay for it with a credit card, what do you do?

Sound familiar? Don’t let that be you!

If you want to get in touch with your primal side and tap into what is an important side of your  manhood, here are a few things you should definitely do starting today:

Run – Ancient men used to run all day without fatiguing, but most of us can barely jog for an hour without being absolutely drained. Our society doesn’t place high demand on running ability, but the day may come when it will become important again. As a man, it’s vital that you spend more time running. Jog, run, or sprint if you can, but get on your feet and hit the streets, track, trail, or course. Running is a critical part of being fit and it will help you get around under your own power, no matter what happens!

Hunt – Every man should hunt at least once in their lives. We live in a world of convenience and comfort—food literally sits waiting on shelves, in your freezer, or waiting to be delivered to your home at the press of a button. But to truly respect the food you eat, you need to hunt it. It’s a truly primal, raw experience that you can only understand when you do it. Even if you never actually kill anything, just the act of stalking your prey will give you a greater respect for your ancestors who dedicated their lives to hunting.

Fish – Fishing isn’t rocket science, so it’s something that every man should be able to do, at least a little! Buy or borrow fishing equipment and head out to your local lake, river, or beach to spend a few hours fishing. Not only will you learn a greater respect for the animals and wildlife, but you may just learn a few new skills: how to catch, reel in, gut, clean, and cook a fish! Those skills could save your life in an emergency situation!

Camp – Modern conveniences—tents, sleeping bags, portable power packs, gas-powered camp stoves, and flashlights—make camping incredibly easy and comfortable, but that doesn’t make it any less of a primal experience. There’s something wonderful about being out in nature, with nothing and no one else around you for miles. Every man should experience the marvel of being alone under the stars, with nothing but a bit of equipment and their own wits to get them through the trip.primal side

Change Your Oil – Modern technology requires modern skills, and one of the most critical skills any man can learn is to change their car’s oil. It’s one of the easiest of the car repair skills, one that you can finish within 4-6 hours on a weekend.Technology will even make it easier for you to master—there are hundreds of YouTube tutorials to help you change the oil on your specific vehicle. But the act of jacking up the car, getting down and dirty under the hood, and working with your hands is the closest many of us modern men will come to get in touch with our primal sides.

Build or Fix Something – Once, if you wanted a house, you had to build it yourself. Now, all you have to do is call up a contractor and let them handle the work. Which is probably for the best, because few of us have skills at actually building houses from scratch. However, a real man should be able to at least make basic repairs to their home or build small, simple things. Look for things around your house that you can fix, and invest the time and money into making those repairs. Or, find something you can build that is simple enough for your current carpentry skills. The feeling of satisfaction will be immense when you see the work of your hands.

Meditate – The busy, noisy world around us can get us so wrapped up in what we’re doing that we fail to remember who we are. Meditation is one of the most primal experiences you can have, as it forces you to get in touch with your inner being. Take a few minutes every day to sit in silence, close your eyes, and meditate. It’s absolutely worth the effort expended!

Read – To be a true man, you’ve always got to be learning, growing, and expanding your understanding. Reading is one of the best ways to do that! Reading opens your mind, broadens your horizons, presents information in new ways, or helps you to see the world through someone else’s eyes. Make it a point to read one book a month—fiction, non-fiction, self-help, it doesn’t matter, just read!

Cook – Every man should know how to grill a steak and fry an egg, but don’t stop there. Learn the ins and outs of cooking—grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, veggies, fruits, proteins, even oils. The more you learn the cook, the greater respect and understanding you’ll have for what you put in your body. Cooking is a skill that everyone should learn, at least the very basics. You never know when you’ll need it—either to impress someone or to feed yourself in an emergency situation.

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Getting Rid of Belly Fat Is Harder Than You Think — Here’s How to Do It

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Benjamin Stone

I have this fantasy where I eat pizza and Salt & Straw Chocolate Gooey Brownie for every meal but also have abs. I’m not talking, like, a six-pack, but just some nice abdominal definition. (You’d think I’d go all out since this is a fantasy version of myself, but IDK. I’m sure there’s something to unpack there.)

While there are probably some people who actually can munch on pizza all the time and somehow manage to look like one of the Amazon warriors from Wonder Woman, that’s just not the case for most of us. That’s because belly fat is notoriously difficult to get rid of, and lower belly fat can be particularly frustrating. Sometimes I feel like no matter how clean I eat or how many crunches I do, that fat at the lower end of my abdomen just isn’t going to go away. Like Winter in 2018 or millennial pink. Unfortunately, while there’s no way to spot-reduce fat from certain areas, there are some diet and exercise changes you can make to help reduce fat overall.

Fat Decimator System is the ultimate answer.



5 Easy Steps to Drop Body Fat


Don’’t begin a get-lean diet by completely overhauling your nutrition habits overnight. Instead of diving into the deep end right away and drowning in the monotonous and difficult aspects of a full-on competition-style diet, start by adding just one or two meals to your daily total. If you’’re eating four right now, bump that to five. If you a’re eating five, increase it to six.

“If you tell somebody who is eating three or four times a day to eat seven to ten times, they’’ll do it for a week and it won’’t work. “The goal is to eat eight times a day or so, but don’’t just jump to eight if you a’re not close to that. The key is to have smaller meals but to eat more of them.

Think of your body as a furnace. Put in just enough fuel to keep it stoked, and you’’ll expend calories throughout the day, your metabolism will remain ramped up, and you’’ll be on your way to getting ripped. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. “You need your metabolism to cruise, and the only way to do that is by eating frequent meals. If you cut down on the frequency of your meals, that slows down your metabolism.


Everybody always says, ‘a calorie is a calorie, but that may not be entirely true. Protein has a thermal effect because the body burns calories just to digest protein unlike fat, which gets stored real quickly if you take in too much.” Try crafting a plan in which you’’re getting roughly 55% of your total calories from carbohydrates, 40% from protein and 5% from fat. When choosing carbs, avoid those that rate high on the glycemic index and in turn raise your blood-sugar levels. When your insulin levels spike, you essentially can’t burn fat because your body is in a state of storage. Stay away from quick-acting carbs unless you’re getting them immediately after you work out.

In terms of total caloric intake, start at 15 calories per pound of bodyweight per day and, if you need to, adjust that up or down 200 calories each week until you reach a point where you’’re losing weight. “A general rule of thumb is that you don’t want to lose more than a pound to a pound and a half per week. Anything more than that and you start tapping into muscle. Get a baseline diet going for about three weeks, and monitor your weight and the scale. Adjust from there, up or down, depending on your progress.


Some things should be avoided at all costs.

At the top of the list, of course, is alcohol. “The other main things are high-fructose corn syrup, saturated fats and trans fats. It seems like most food manufacturers are getting better at omitting those from their products, though.

I target breads and pasta as carb sources of which to steer clear. “Literally, when I a’m dieting, my only two carb sources are oatmeal and brown rice. For variety, choose red potatoes or sweet potatoes.


Since you’ll be eating so frequently, its important to not get caught without the most vital component of the plan food. If you are working an eight-hour shift, you’ll likely need to bring three or four meals to your workplace. The best way to do that (other than alienating your coworkers by shoving an entire refrigerator shelf of their food into a trash can to make room for your supply) is to pack your meals in a cooler.

If you’re in a pinch and faced with skipping a meal, stop in at a nearby convenience store. Beef jerky is quick and convenient. They also sell tuna in shelf-stable pouches that is good on crackers.


Perfect system to kill the fat.


S.M.A.R.T. Weight Loss & Your Fitness Device

Wouldn’t it be nice if you knew exactly what to do to lose weight successfully? What you need is a fitness tracker and a smart goal! S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym to remind you how to set a goal that maps out exactly what you need to do. These goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.Don’t just stack up data you get from a fitness device. Use the info you track, your calories burned, food eaten, and hours slept to shape S.M.A.R.T. goals for yourself.

Here’s one example of how to do it. Look at your fitness device to see how many calories you burn a week by exercising. Let’s say it’s 1,000 calories.

Use that data to bump up your calorie burn. For example, a S.M.A.R.T. goal is “I will walk enough to burn at least 1,250 calories through exercise this week.”

Specific. Rather than simply saying, “I’m going to exercise more,” you’ve specified how many calories you’ll burn.

Measurable. Your device will track the calories you burn, so you’ll be able to clearly know when you succeed.

Attainable. Since you’re already burning 1,000 calories a week through exercise, bumping it up a bit should be manageable. To burn 1,250 calories, you’ll need to add about one extra workout.

Relevant. Exercise is totally relevant to weight loss! So exercising more fits into your larger weight loss plan.

Time-bound. This is your goal for this week. Period. You can choose to pursue this goal again next week, or you can set a new goal. It’s easier to commit to a goal — and be successful — if you do it for a set amount of time.


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